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Top Tips

Make the most of Quotec by checking out the below help files…

Ordering Through Quotec

Send purchase orders direct from Quotec using order emails

Create purchase order for stock items using general orders

Quotec Management Features

Manage multiple design options for a customer using multiple jobs

Update assigned users and email types to determine who will receive email updates for your orders

Track the progression of your purchase order using status dates

See purchase orders which need your attention using the order review

Check your delivered orders using goods receipts and order bill of materials

Keep track of jobs right from the start all the way to booking in construction using milestones

Customising Quotec

Add your own custom suppliers and pricing for accurate, customised quotes

Use Quotec freight calculations or add your own freight pricing

Set your default and base margins for your jobs

Create templates to make designing popular sheds quicker and easier

Take advantage of Quotec’s custom design team for your unique designs

Set-up construction prices to easily have calculated and included in your quotes

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