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Building Categories

This screen allows you to customise details for individual building categories. You can:

  • Set a default margin for a specific building category.

  • Indicate if you want to see the building category when starting a job.

  • Change the message displayed for this building category.

You can set this information separately for Quotec Live and Quotec Now.

To access this, select Building Categories from the My Details menu.

This will display the following screen. This lists all the building categories available in Quotec. Click on the edit button to change the details for a specific .

The following screen will be displayed when you edit a building category.

You can see that you can select the options for both Quotec Live and Quotec Now.


Check this off if you do not want to be able to select the building category. For example, if you only want to sell Carports, you can check this off on the Garage/Shed building categories to hide them. Note that Mezzanines are always unavailable for Quotec Now, regardless of how you set this option.


This is the default margin to use for this category. This allows you to set different margins for different categories, e.g. garages at 5% and carports at 8%. If you leave this empty it will use the default margin rules set up for the company.


This is the description that will be displayed on the start page.

On Quotec Live, this will replace the standard text that Quotec displays. On Quotec Now, there is no text displayed by default. If you enter text here, it will be displayed.

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