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Price On Application - Adding Freight and Changing Delivery Address

Sometimes when you start a job, Quotec will determine that it can’t find appropriate freight for a supplier, e.g. the supplier can’t deliver to your address. Sometimes it knows this straight away, e.g. Metroll and AMIA. Sometimes it won’t know until it tries to calculate the cost, e.g. Q-Plates. Regardless, if this happens when you retrieve a job or try to quote, you will see a message like this:

The important takeaway from this is you CAN still do a quote but the price will not be correct until you take action on problem suppliers.

How Do I Take Action?

The first thing you need to do is contact the supplier and explain where you need the items to go. They will be able to give you the actual freight rate, or you may need to organise that the items are delivered to a different address from where you will pick up the items.

Once you have details, you can go to the Supplier tab of the job. You will see a message under each supplier which has a problem:

If you click the Price button

you will be shown this window:

The specific contents for this window will depend on the supplier:


Asks for branch and freight amount.


Asks for a freight region which then recalculates the price and order code of each item. Don’t worry, when you talk to AMIA, they will give you the appropriate region code to use!


Asks for freight amount.

Fill in the appropriate details and press Done.

The supplier screen will update to show that you have actioned the freight details.

This freight value will now be included in your quote. Press the Refresh cost button to see the latest price.

If, as part of your talks with the supplier, it is determined that the items will be delivered to a different address, click the Location button.

This will display a window like this:

Enter all the delivery details for this supplier. When the purchase orders are created, they will be based on this address.

IMPORTANT: Once you start changing addresses like this, it may impact on consolidation of other items. Once you start adding these sorts of address options, Quotec LIVE is unable to calculate all the consolidation paths. Make sure you carefully review ALL your purchase orders for correct delivery.

When Do I Take Action?

The sooner the better. If you just want a rough quote then you don’t have to take any action. However, if you want an accurate quote, you need to take action ASAP. It’s a bit embarrassing to issue a quote only to find there is no way for the supplier to get the items to you.

What If It Tells Me A Supplier Can’t Deliver But I Don’t Need Their Items On This Job?

That’s fine. Quotec LIVE is just telling you there would be a problem IF you need to use those items. If Quotec LIVE tells you AMIA will have trouble delivering windows but you aren’t adding any windows, just ignore the message.

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