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BOM & KIT Purchasing Structures

This document will explain the different purchase stages through Quotec LIVE for both BOM Buyers & Kit Resellers.

See details on different Payment Methods options offered by Quotec.

Buying a Job

When you are ready to purchase a job click on the ‘Buy’ button.

Your job will recalculate to ensure that the final buy price has costed with up to date supplier prices.

After the system accurately processed the cost of materials, you will be provided with two different options to purchase your job. Depending on whether you are a BOM Buyer or Kit Reseller, the values to pay for theses services will vary.

BOM Payments Structure

As a BOM Buyer, you are charged 5% of the wholesale value of the kit materials - Service Fee. This payment of Service Fee will give you:

  1. Engineering & Certification, and

  2. Supplier Purchase Orders

Depending on which payment option you choose, you will receive the respective documentation at different payment stages.

Option 1

Engineering & Certification: Most users will want to purchase the Engineering & Certification documents first, in order to lodge with their local council AND, before they purchase the kit materials. Quotec LIVE will allow you purchase only this component of the job.

If this is the case, you are only charged 30% of the 5% Service Fee.

Example One:

Job #23678 - Total cost of kit = $15,000 the Service Fee = $750. The cost for the Engineering & Certification is 30% of $750 OR $225.

Example Two:

Instances where the total value of the kit is less than $12,100, you are charged a flat rate of $181.50 for the Engineering & Certification as this is the minimum charge that is paid to our third party Structural Engineer - i.e. for a $10,000 kit purchase 30% of 5% Service Fee equals $75 and will not cover the cost for the Engineering & Certification.

If you would like to do this, you need to click on the ‘I need council approvals before I buy’ button located in the ‘Buy’ window.

Option 2

Purchase Orders: After you have received confirmation from your local council that the structure is approved to be built on the site specific location, you can confidently purchase the kit materials for the job.

To purchase the Purchase Order documentation, go back into the job and click the ‘Buy’ button again. A payment window will appear with the balance of Service Fee. This balance is equal 70% of the 5% Service Fee.

Example One:

Job #23678 - Total cost of kit = $15,000. $225 has already been paid to obtain the Engineering & Certification documents. The balance now to pay is $525 (or 70% of the 5% Service Fee) to generate the Purchase Orders.

Example Two:

Where the value of the job is equal or less than $10,000 the Service Fee $500. Your cap cost for Engineering & Certification is $181.50 as explained above. This would mean that the balance to obtain your Purchase Orders would be $318.50.

Option 3

Full Payment: If you have designed a job using a post code search, we cannot provide you with and Engineer’s compliance certificate. If this is the case, you are charged the total value of the 5% Service Fee on the job which will give you the Purchases Orders for the job.

KIT Payments

As a Kit Reseller you will be purchasing a kit via Quotec LIVE and we will deliver those materials to your end customer.

Purchasing a kit can be processes via two payment methods:

  1. Deposit Payments OR 5% value of the kit.

    1. Deposit payments will generate the Engineering & Certification documents. In circumstances where the job has been designed using a post code search you are still charged a 5% deposit of the value of the kit.

  1. Production Payment OR 95% balance of the value of the kit.

    1. Production payments or balance of payment will place your kit order into production/manufacture.

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