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Custom Designs

Quotec has a team of designers and engineers to help with all your bespoke designs. If there’s something you want that the system won’t allow you to design let our design team know. To best take advantage of this team follow the design process below.

Custom American Barn designed by Quotec’s Engineering & Design Specialist Matteo Roncali

1. Design your job

Use the Quotec platform to design the job as much as you can within the scope of the platform.

2. Let us know your Custom Design requests

Send an email to the Support Team with all the custom requests for the design.

Don’t forget to include the job # of your design!

3. Talk to our team about your design and get a quote

A member of our design team will contact you to discuss your request and what will be required. After this discussion they will be able to provide a quote and estimated time frame for the custom engineering. Depending on the design the team may also be able to provide you a rough cost estimate for the extra items that will be required.

This can be added as an extra cost in your Quotec designer to be included in the proposal you send your customer.

4. Accept the Quote and Purchase the job

Once your customer has accepted the quote for this design - including the custom engineering costs - you can go ahead and purchase the job.

Make sure to select that this job requires modifications to the engineering.

You will also need to accept your custom design quote in writing by replying to the quote email you received from support. Regardless of previous conversations please ensure that in accepting this quote you also list all the changes you decided on. This ensures that the design team have all the correct information to complete your design.

5. Pay your custom engineering fee

Once we receive your request for custom engineering our accounts team will create an invoice for the additional custom engineering costs. This will need to be paid immediately to ensure our design team can get started on designing your bespoke job.

Once paid, please send your remittance to

6. Receive your custom engineering

Once our team has finalised your design and it has been signed off by our engineer, the approved engineering certification will be added to your job management screen just like any other order.

7. Receive updated purchase orders to process with your suppliers

If you already purchased the complete kit, at this stage our team will also go ahead and make any required changes to your purchase orders.

If you originally only purchased the plans you will need to let our support team know once you purchase the rest of the design so our design team can update your purchase orders before you process them.

Once your purchase orders have been updated the team will let you know and you can begin placing orders for everything required for your bespoke design.

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