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Editing Milestone Details

To edit Milestone displays, go to MY WORK >> Milestone Sets

Either create a new set using the + icon at the top of the page or search for an existing set using the search bar. Selecting SEARCH without filling in the search bar will bring up all of your milestone sets.

Click on the set you would like to edit. Clicking the blue icon will open a new tab.

The first section - Basic info - allows you to edit the name and description of the milestone set.

The second section - Milestones - allows you to edit the set and its parts. Changes made to an existing set will not change your milestone details for jobs already using this set.

You can add new milestones to the set using the + icon.

Doing this will bring up the below details pop-up.

Milestone Details


Milestones will either relate to invoicing, construction or documentation. Use the drop-down menu to select the relevant type.

Name/ Description

Simply use the text boxes below each section to type the name and description of the milestone you would like to create or adjust.

Make sure to keep the name concise and add any other details to your description

Dependent on (cannot start until completion of)

Often tasks are dependent on the completion of other aspects of the process. For example, construction cannot start until the slab has been completed. Use the drop-down menu to select which existing milestone will need to be completed prior to the start of this one.

Days required

This refers to how long it takes for a milestone to be completed. For example, ordering may take four weeks. Simply select the text box and type the relevant number.

Show On Calendar

There are four options for how the milestone will be displayed on your Quotec calendar.

For the “everyday” option, a task will appear everyday for the duration of the milestone and it will show on the calendar as a coloured line covering the inclusive date period. For the other three options, it will appear as a task on those specific dates and shown on the calendar as an icon based on the milestone type.

Milestone Type

Associated Icon


Dollar sign






Show on Dashboard

Once you have created a milestone within the set, you can use the edit icon on the right to edit the details for the milestone. This will bring up the same details pop-up as creating a new milestone which can be edited in the same manor.

To reconfigure the display order of milestones within the set simply click and drag each milestone into the desired position.

If you would like to remove a milestone from the set simply use the X icon on the right.

Once you’ve made any changes to your Milestone set click the SAVE icon in the header to apply the changes.

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