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Issues With Deliveries

What happens if there’s an issue with one of your deliveries? Quotec recommends checking your deliveries as soon as they arrive to ensure you have everything you need for the job. To assist with this Quotec can now generate Goods Receipt documents for your orders. This will allow you to mark off everything that has been delivered and make note of any issues you may have.

BOM Users

As a BOM user you will be managing all your orders directly with your suppliers. If there are any issues with the delivery you have received please contact the relevant supplier directly to get this resolved.

If there are any issues with your Q-Plates order or delivery please send an annotated copy of your Q-Plates Goods Receipt to within 7 days of delivery. If you have received the incorrect item please also include photos of these items showing the stamped item number if possible. The Quotec team will then be in contact to help resolve this issue.

If you need to order missing items after this period you can create a general order through Quotec to purchase these items.

Kit Users

On the day your job is scheduled to be delivered you will receive an email from Quotec with your Order BOM attached. This document can be used to confirm that you have received everything required for the job. If you prefer, you can also generate your goods receipt document on the job management page and use this to check your deliveries.

If there is any issues with your delivery please email an annotated copy of your Order BOM to within 7 days. If you have receive any incorrect items please also include photos of these items in your email. The Quotec team will then be in contact to get this issue resolved as soon as possible.

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