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Metroll Limitations

This message will NOT prevent you from quoting.

This will not prevent you from quoting your design however it is simply a reminder that your quote may not be accurate and additional costs my be required.

These consolidation limitations have been advised directly by Metroll National.

This message does not necessarily mean that Metroll cannot make the delivery however there may be additional costs for them to do so. You can choose to either have the items delivered direct to site or pay any potential costs to have Metroll consolidate these items.

Kit users please contact for assistance.

Deliver Items Direct To Site

You can choose to have the order of concern delivered direct to site instead of consolidated with Metroll. In this case, you will need to contact that supplier directly to determine what the freight cost will be. Once you’ve chosen your new delivery address and have your freight amount you can update these in the designer under the “SUPPLIERS” icon.

The second icon will let you edit the freight amount while the third icon will let you edit the delivery address.

You can then save this and continue to quote your job as usual.

The alert will still show in the designer however you will be able to see that the delivery location for that orders has changed by again clicking the “SUPPLIER” icon. The new Suburb will show in orange.

Consolidate At Metroll (Include Additional Charge)

If you would prefer for Metroll to still consolidate the items you can contact them directly to confirm that they are willing to do so and what additional costing will be associated.

If you get a quote from Metroll for the consolidation and would like to include this in your quote to your customer you can do so by adding it as a additional cost.

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