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Removing a Job From your Search Screen

A job will stay in the system even after it has been completed. This is so you can go back and review it if any issues arise or you have to create a similar job for someone else. Sometimes though you create a job and you just don’t need it anymore. To remove it, find the job and view its details (Job Management).

In the status section of the job, you will see the current status and button(s) to remove the job.

The button will change depending on the current status.

New → Deleted

Quoted → Declined

Plans Purchased → Plans Cancelled

Purchased → Cancelled or Completed

Click the button to remove the job. It will no longer display in your search results unless you specifically select the status in the Status drop down. e.g. if you want to find a declined job, select the Declined status.

A new job which is deleted cannot be searched for. All other statuses can be searched.

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