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Version 1.31 - Release Notes

Released July 22nd 2022


Windspeeds are what drive the engineering used for our sheds. In this version, we have made a number of updates to further improve the windspeed calculations.  We have updated from AUS/NS 1170 2011 to 2021 and we more accurately calculate the windspeed based on building height. Not all buildings will notice a change but we have generally seen a drop of one level of engineering across Region B and C, and in some cases even two! This will significantly improve the costs and make you more competitive!

Building Categories

We now allow you to set various details per building category.

You can:

  • Set a default margin for a specific building category, e.g. garages 5%, carports 8%.

  • Indicate if you want to see the building category when starting a job.

  • Change the message displayed for the building category when starting a job.

You can set this information separately for Quotec Live and Quotec Now.

To access this, select Building Categories from the My Details menu.

This will display the following screen:

Please see the HELP FILES for further details in managing this feature.

Roller Doors

When placing a roller door on the side of a shed that has an awning, the system was including the header room below the awning level. This has now changed so that the header can go above the awning, if there is room. This allows you to maximise the roller door height.

Also, if an awning only covered one bay and the roller door was placed where there was no awning, the system was still limiting to the awning height. We now allow you to go full height.

Hole Punching

In addition to the multiple hole punch options we provided in the previous version, we have added new options to separate the web and flange hole punchings. This allows you to get the information as follows:

You can specify these options for both C-Section and Z-Section. Go to your steel supplier to the Ordering section and use C-Section Hole Punch Drawing and Z-Section Hole Punch Drawing options.

Bug Fixes

  • Job was not always remembering if connection was changed from Screw to Bolt.

  • Too many downpipe nozzles were being included on jobs.

  • For some very specific cases, a B roller door was being selected instead of an A door.

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