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Version 1.41 - Release Notes

Welcome to our first release of the year!

New Payment Options

Quotec LIVE will now offer two payment options to process purchases for Service Fees, Kit Orders & Q-Plates.

  1. PayID payment method will enable users to make immediate, secure Direct Deposit payments at no charge.

  2. Credit Card payments will be processed through a new secure platform provider and will now incur a 1.5% surcharge calculated in the payment window.


For more details on how this all works and what you need to set up, see Payment Methods.


We have a new promotions system. This will allow us to create a promotional discount for all sorts of reasons, e.g. you’ve had a spectacular month, you’ve had a good run of sales, just to show we appreciate you.

If we give you a promotion, you will receive an email saying so and then next time you pay for something, the payment screen will show you the list of your available promotions. Simply select and pay the discounted amount!


Probably our number one engineering request is “can we remove this bit of bracing?” We have revised our bracing rules and are trying to be smarter about where the bracing is being placed. In some cases, this may mean we are adding end wall bracing or column bracing. We will continue to fine tune this over the coming versions. Hopefully this makes life easier for all of us!



We have made some changes which should help our engineers respond more easily to requests where you want to make a building just a little bit wider, higher, increased bay size to what Quotec usually supports. In this case, you design the building as close as you can get it to the required size, including all roller doors, windows, etc. Our engineers will then turn on an override mode where they can make the required calculations for framing and change the job. You won’t be able to change the building anymore but once our engineers have made the required changes, you simply quote and continue as per usual.

Custom Quote Templates

This version allows us to provide custom proposal templates. If you don’t want to use one of the provided templates, we can create one just for you! Contact support for details.


  • Fixed. Girts inside the top of a gable were not always being calculated correctly.

  • Fixed. Girts on the intersection of a portal and partition wall were not always being calculated correctly.

  • Enhanced. We made it easier to set up Quotec Now urls.

  • Enhanced. Class 1A specific drawings are now only shown on class 1A buildings.

  • Fixed. Skillion eave extension drawings for TS61/64 and Z100 were not being included in the engineering drawings.

  • Fixed. If you had a miscellaneous item on a purchase order, the Order BOM and Goods Receipt would fail.

  • Fixed. In the construction cost calculation, % of the building cost was not working correctly.

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