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Version 1.35 - Release Notes

Released November 1st 2022

A new version already? Yep, there are a few good wins in here that were too good to hold on to while we get on to some bigger stuff. Enjoy!

Designer Speed

We have reviewed some of the code and you should find that the designer is faster, especially when you are moving doors and windows around. When you open the job, it should also be marginally faster for the shed to display.

There has always been an option to move to Low Res mode which makes the designer much faster as well but not a lot of people are aware of it. If the system you are using think it is taking a little bit too long to do something, it will display a message suggesting Low Res would be faster.

Colorbond Colours

We have added the new Colorbond colours - Dover White, Bluegum and Southerly to all items. The items will automatically pick up the cost of the master item. The upgrade will attempt to copy your order codes from the Basalt items to these new colours and update them as required. We would still suggest that you do an export of the pricing files just to double check the order codes, especially if you use your own steel suppliers.

Also, we suggest you check the trailing images for your proposal template. By default, it included a colorbond image, which is obviously now out of date. You should look to remove the image and replace it with a suitable new one. We can provide a new one for you, if you want. Contact support and they will shoot it through to you.

B&D Roller Doors

The engineering for B&D roller doors have been done so they can now be used on designs. We are just waiting for the national pricing to make them fully useable. We will send you an email.

Proposal Templates

We have two new proposal templates that you can try. Set these in the Proposal Template screen (and Online Designer if you use Quotec Now).

Job Management Costs

If a salesperson looks at the Costs tab of a job, they won’t see the profit but they will see the category used for that job.


  • Wall girts on a single bay building were including overlap when there was no need. This is only for new jobs.

  • PA door flashing would get a “Cannot find order code” error under certain circumstances.

  • Fixed issues around moving PA doors and windows.

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