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Lysaght Set-Up and Use

Quotec has now added Lysaght to our Supplier Network making setting up your Lysaght supplier and managing price files easier than ever!

Make sure to read through this helpfile to learn how to add Lysaght to your system and important information on using Lysaght in Quotec.

Setting Up Your Records

As Lysaght is part of the Quotec supplier network, records already exist for the Lysaght branches. You will need to add the Lysaght National supplier as well as branches that you plan to order from to your Order Category Supplier Page. If you plan

To do this follow the instructions HERE.

You will need to add Lysaght National for pricing purposes; however, you only need to select the branches you intend to purchase from. You can always add an extra branch in the future if you need.

If you plan to use Lysaght as your default supplier follow the Default Supplier Configuration instructions and select your main Lysaght branch as your default supplier.


The Lysaght National supplier is used to simplify price file management for Lysaght. A single price file needs to be uploaded to the Lysaght National supplier and then all Lysaght branches will pull their prices from this file record.

The Lysaght National price file can be found on your Cost Updates page.

Select Steel/Cladding as your Order Category and find the most recent record for Lysaght National.

Deploying the price file to Lysaght National will apply this to all Lysaght branches in your system.

For more details on how to find and deploy this price file check out Quotec Network Suppliers - Cost Updates.


If your supplier record has “Use Quotec Freight” selected the system will automatically calculate the base freight for your job.

This freight calculation is based solely on the value of your Lysaght Steel order and so may not be entirely accurate. Any orders over 13.2m or deliveries off the standard route will require additional freight charges. Contact your Lysaght branch for accurate values.

Quotec takes no responsibilities for discrepancies in this freight charge, as a BOM reseller you must ensure that the correct freight has been included in your quote.

If you are using Lysaght to supply your roller doors and insulation as well you should use the below table or contact your Lysaght branch to determine more accurate pricing for your job.

Order Value

Base Freight Rate (As at 1/11/2023)

$0 to $4,999


$5,000 to $9,999


$10,000 to $19,999


$20,000 to $29,999


$30,000 to $49,999


$50,000 to $69,999


$70,000 +


Quoting and Ordering With Lysaght

Unlike with Metroll, Quotec does not currently have access to a system to automatically select the correct Lysaght branch for your job. As such, you will need to manually select the correct Lysaght branch when designing your job.

To change your Lysaght branch in the designer follow THESE instructions.

You can also change your Lysaght branch before processing your purchase order by changing the supplier on the order. Follow the instructions on Making Changes to a Purchase Order to do so.

For roller doors don’t forget to make sure you’ve selected the correct branch AND brand.

The Lysaght branch must be listed on your Order Category Supplier page under the appropriate order category in order to be selected as your supplier in the designer or on the purchase order.

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