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Order Management - BOM Users

The Quotec system provides a number of ways to manage your orders both during the production stage and once the order is delivered.

  • Update the Order Status on you purchase orders

  • See upcoming or current orders which require action using the Order Review page

  • Use the Goods Receipt for individual order deliveries to confirm everything is correct

  • Use the Order Bill Of Materials for a complete list of all items you should have on site (including any custom changes made)

Steps for processing and managing your orders after purchasing

  1. Generate your purchase order documents

  2. Email your order to the supplier - either manually or using Order Emails

  3. Receive confirmation from your supplier

    1. Update the Order Confirmed date

    2. If sent any documentation attach this as a note on your purchase order page

  4. Receive a delivery date

    1. Update the Delivery Confirmed date

  5. Receive confirmation of dispatch

    1. Update the Dispatch Date including any tracking information provided as a comment

    2. Attach any documentation as a note on your purchase order page

  6. Check the delivery is complete

    1. Generate a Goods Receipt for the order

    2. On site, mark off all items received and note any incorrect/ missing items

    3. Attached the annotated Goods Receipt as a note on your purchase order page

  7. If there are any issues, email your supplier the annotated Goods Receipt and let them know of the issues. Otherwise, mark the order as Received

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