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Quotec Now

Quotec Now is an extension of your Quotec Live system that allows potential customers to design and quote their own jobs on your website. You can now also Include Construction Costs in Quotec Now Quotes. This system and the quotes created in it can be controlled from within your existing Quotec Live system.

When starting a new design your prospective customer will select the building type and site address.

After completing both of these they will be able to open the designer. The Quotec Now designer will work in the same way as your Quotec Live designer does; allowing them to customise the design.

Unlike Quotec Live, the customer will not see the price in real time. Once they are happy with their design, they can click the “SEND ME A QUOTE” button. This will ask for customer information like name, email and phone. Quotec Now will immediately send a proposal, with price, to the customer and the salesperson. This means the customer gets an accurate price and you get the contact details required to follow up. The quote will be added to your Quotec Live system where you will be able to view the job just like you would for in-house quotes.

You are able to search specifically for online jobs on your SEARCH JOBS page.

Included in the default email sent from your Quotec Now is a Design Link. The customer can click on this link to view their design. They cannot modify the design but they create a new job or copy this one and make alterations. If you decide to edit your email template make sure you keep this Design Link otherwise your customer will not be able to get back to the job!

If the customer then decides they wish to proceed with this design they can click the “BUY THIS DESIGN” button which will provide them with contact information for how to get in touch with your company.

Add Quotec Now to your subscription today or learn more about it’s customisation features.

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