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Frequently Asked Questions

Check to see if your question has already been answered! If it has simply click on the question to find the answer and helpful information. Otherwise, send your question through to or give us a call on (07) 3871 2053.

Updating Company and User Information

How do I add Quotec Now?

How do I change my login details?

How do I change my subscription?


There’s new Quotec pricing, how do I add this to my system?

How do I upload my own new pricing?

How do I quote a job to include the new pricing?


❓ How do I change my footing brackets delivery? Direct to site early or delivered with the main order.

- Kit Users - BOM Users

How much does my order weigh?

How do I order extra stock?

There’s an issue with my delivery.

Job Management

Are freight costs included in my quote?

How do I remove a job from my search screen?


How do I get engineering for my job?

How do I get a custom slab design? (required for soil class outside of A, S & M)

What if I need a custom design?


How do I change my payment details?

How do I view what payments I have previously made?


How do I add a custom supplier?

How do I add a new Quotec supplier?

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